PP40 announcement (1)

Pits & Perverts: 40th Anniversary

Peace & Justice Project's Music For The Many campaign proudly presents the official Pits & Perverts: 40th Anniversary concert featuring The Oozes, Jeremy Corbyn, Owen Jones, Jo Grady, Lesbians & Gays Support The Miners and many more to be announced!


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The Power of Writing for Activism: Jeremy Corbyn in Conversation with Tori Tsui

Join us for a captivating evening featuring recently re-elected Islington North MP, Jeremy Corbyn, author of Monstrous Anger of the Guns: How the Global Arms Trade is Ruining the World and What We Can Do About It, and climate justice activist Tori Tsui and author of It’s Not Just You.


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Music For The Many: Newcastle

Our Music For The Many campaign is heading to Think Tank in Newcastle on Friday 15 November with a very special performance from Hex Girlfriend.


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Typical American Extravagance: What Do The Us Elections Mean For The World?

Join us on Tuesday 29 October for 'Typical American Extravagance: What Do The Us Elections Mean For The World?', a US presidential election online briefing with Jeremy Corbyn, former US State Senator Nina Turner and Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman.

Sign up: thecorbynproject.com/us-briefing