Jeremy Corbyn addressing crowd during a rally
— We’re working with trade unions and activist groups across the country to build grassroots campaigns that demand a fairer and just world.

Right To Clothing

Right to Clothing (Logo)

Clothing deprivation, as a result of poverty, is a large and growing problem in the UK and around the world. As politicians, media commentators and everyone else talks about the cost of living crisis in relation to food and heating, many often forget about another basic necessity: clothing. We're campaigning to change that and make sure everyone has access to high-quality, affordable clothes through the right to clothing.

Over 300,000 tonnes of clothing goes to landfill in the UK each year. We want to know what retailers are doing with their returned items and end of line stock, can you help us? ​

Use this tool below to send an email to fashion brands and clothing retailers and if you receive a response, please forward it over to us at

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5 Demands

5 Demands web

Sign up here to support the 5 Demands put forward by Jeremy Corbyn in response to the Chancellor's budget for the 1%, cost of living crisis and conflict around the world.

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Unionise Samworth Brothers

Unionise Samworth Bros graphic

Join our campaign to support workers at Samworth Brothers and Ginsters organising for fair pay, better conditions and for their union, BFAWU, to be recognised.

Sign the petition, get involved in the campaign and support Samworth Brothers workers!

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Free Billie Allen


25 years ago, Billie Allen was sent to Federal Death Row for a crime he did not commit.

Since then, as an artist, writer and much-loved member of the Allen family, he has maintained his innocence. Now, at 45 years old, having spent the majority of his life behind bars, he needs your help more than ever.

Use our lobbying tool to write to President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, members of the US Senate, House of Representatives and state governors to ask them to review his case, its many failings and support the calls for a full pardon for Billie Allen.

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Music For The Many

MFTM banner new

Music For The Many works with organisations, trade unions and supporters to promote and secure the long-term futures of music venues as community assets and support people from marginalised communities in accessing opportunities in the creative industry.

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