Dignity, not Despair: Stop the Cuts


The UK government is pushing ahead with devastating welfare cuts that will disproportionately impact disabled people. Proposals suggest reducing support for sick and disabled claimants who are unable to work—despite the United Nations calling for urgent action to correct the harm caused by previous benefit reforms. Meanwhile, political rhetoric scapegoating disabled people is on the rise. That's why we're supporting Disabled People Against Cuts' (DPAC) campaign to stop these cuts to our welfare system.

We need to act now. MPs must hear from their constituents that these cuts are unacceptable. That’s why we’re making it as easy as possible for you to send an email to your MP in just a few clicks.

On 17th March, DPAC is holding a crucial meeting in Parliament to demand change. We’re asking MPs to attend and listen to the concerns of disabled people. The more of us who write to them, the harder it will be for them to ignore.

Use the tool below to contact your MP. Just enter your postcode, and an email will be sent on your behalf. Every message makes a difference—take action today!

We encourage you topersonalise your email to include your own experience, or that of a loved one about their current experience with the welfare system and how this might impact you.