
First speakers announced for Peace & Justice Project International Conference 2024

We are delighted to announce that our founder Jeremy Corbyn MP will be joined by Stop The War convener Lindsey German and ShadowWorld Investigations director Andrew Feinstein at our second annual International Conference.

They will also be joined by historian and journalist Vijay Prashad and Founder-Director of Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network and the Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples, Gender Justice & Peace, Binalakshmi Nepram.

With numerous conflicts raging around the world, building a strong case for de-escalation, nuclear disarmament and peace has never been more crucial in securing the sustainable future of our planet. Our international conference will tackle this issue head on and build an alternative to the death, destruction and displacement that has torn the lives of millions of innocent people apart.

Each of these speakers is an acclaimed advocate for peace with numerous books and studies published on the issue, including Andrew Feinstein's The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade, Binalakshmi Nepram's Where Are Our Women in Decision Making on UNSCR 1325? and Vijay Prashad's The Withdrawal: Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and the Fragility of U.S. Power, which was co-written with our patron Noam Chomsky.

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'Monstrous Anger Of The Guns: How The Global Arms Trade Is Ruining The World & What We Can Do About It'

The existing political status quo too often demonises those calling for the end of the war machine's profiteering from bloodshed. The Peace & Justice Project is committed to working towards a world of peace, free from nuclear weapons where conflicts are resolved through diplomacy and negotiation.

We will also be officially launching our new book, Monstrous Anger Of The Guns: How The Global Arms Trade Is Ruining The World & What We Can Do About It', which features contributions from international conference speakers on the day. Our latest book, published with our partners Pluto Press, discusses the dark and deceitful world of the global arms trade explains how we can fight back by building mass movements, using direct action and legal justice to end the flow of weapons and the environmental and human devastation they bring. Signed copies will be available on the day at a discounted price.

Our second international conference will take place at the Blizard Building of the Queen Mary University of London on Saturday 14 September.

Tickets are on sale and available here.