The bombing, death and destruction in Gaza is continuing but our government is still not calling for a ceasefire. This is despite over 30,000 people being killed, over 60,000 injured and almost two million people being displaced.
It is imperative that MPs vote for a ceasefire when they are presented with this opportunity on Wednesday 21st February. The SNP have tabled a motion calling for an immediate ceasefire - nothing less will stop the violence that we are currently witnessing.
Please take two minutes to write to your MP and ask them to vote for the SNP motion and for a ceasefire.
Now more than ever we need to speak up for peace and speak up for Palestine.
Use our tool to email your MP and demand that they back a ceasefire. Edit the email to add any personal connection you may have to the region, as well as anything else you feel might be relevant. Send any responses you receive to info@thecorbynproject.com.